Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting There!

So I kinda just feel like writing in this... even tho in my mind its like "bad luck".  Whatever..its all in my head.  So whats new..almost done the year from hell. Only about 4 weeks of classes then a week of finals... the out of here! Back to twp, and working at camp.  Next year I'll be at Rowan so it will be so much better in every sense.

Just gotta make it through without killing DINGBAT! The roommate who is evil.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back at school

Procrastinating... thats what I am doing right now. I have a boatload of things I should be doing, but I just am not feeling it right now.
As I type this blog entry, my roommate is chomping obnoxiously on his bag of microwave popcorn. Pretty much all hes good for is making himself popcorn and not cleaning up his spit in the sink.. yeah... pretty gross huh? Oh yeah dont forget eating my food. 
I enjoyed my long weekend off, but I am ready to go back into my routine of little sleep, being hungover, and avoiding my roommate at all costs!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wow its been a while... heres whats new!

Drexel is amazing. I have met so many nice people and I'm enjoying the campus, my classes are engaging and my professors are very good.
...It is almost perfect
...Lets discuss roommates. I live in a suite with 3 other guys. I like 2 of them. One is already one of my best friends there already. BUT my roommate is the roommate from hell. When I first met him his mom asked me if I could wake him up every morning for his 9AM classes!! I was like fuck that I'm not this kids mommy. So anyways it just keeps getting worse. All the kid is good for is making popcorn and drinking soda at all hours of the night/day. He is always creeping around me (somehow is always behind me). He takes gummy vitamins and makes the strangest noises at night ... like teeth grinding? maybe? and he also talks aloud to himself. I can't forget to mention that he never empties the trashcan, doesnt clean the sink, his hair is all over the shower, he smells, hogs the bathroom, his freakin 600 decibel alarm clock gets me up every morning at 7AM even when I dont have class until noon.. yeah... he also eats mine and my suitemates food, watches my TV and roots through my clothes when I'm not there. He never leaves the room... ever.. just to go to class and to go to the dining hall, but then comes right back to play his freaking video game with loud music that I am constantly telling him to turn down. He told me that I was wasting my life wanting to become a science teacher, and I told him he is wasting his life in the room all day... fuck him, i hate him.

Went to go see an Opera last night, left at intermission, it was so damn boring. went to the OG after and it was really fun. I also bought a subway token off of a bum!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America!!

Happy July 4th to everyone!!
This is one of the best holidays... BBQs, swimming, fireworks, family, friends. And of course the fact that it is summertime makes everything better.

So... whats been new with me:
I have been working for 2 weeks now at my camp job, I really like my kids and co-counselors. But most of all I like the big paychecks! 40+ hours a week seems like a lot, but it all pays off in the end!! Especially when you are having fun.
Been going to and skipping graduation parties for the past few weeks.... they are mostly pretty boring. I have only been to 1 or 2 that I can say were actually good. Mine was pretty good, I had a nice crowd from school, the neighborhood, sports and more, and family.

I look forward to the rest of the summer, and spending time with friends that I wont be seeing anymore!
Happy 4th everyone!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thats it, all over

Last night was Graduation and Project Graduation!
I am now officially a high school graduate!
I can say things like "when I was in high school...." or "I had this friend in high school..."
Yeah its a good feeling.
Graduation was a nice ceremony. But the top whatever kids speeches sucked ass. All three were terrible. One was good, but no one was listening to what she said because we were all listening to the weird way that she ended sentences... it was like a slur type thing, cant really explain it, but at the time it was hilarious.

After graduation I had all of 4 minutes to talk to my family that came from far away to see me. Then we were taken away to project graduation, which was LAME!
The food was AWESOME especially the dessert table! But other than that there was nothing to do. All of the good games were turned off!! And bowling was filled up and people were fighting over lanes and it was terrible.

I am glad that its all over. I can't believe that I made it... But at the same time it hasnt really sunk in yet... as the days go by I will start to get sadder and sadder about leaving... its always what happens!
Congratulations to all who graduated this past week! Class of 2008!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hello? Why don't you care??

So I am slightly annnoyed with my new co-workers.
We were supposed to go into work this past week to set up or corner and get ready for our monday intro... but no. I texted, no response. I emailed, no response. WAIT I did get a text back from the one girl... it said... Who is this??. So I told her. And I never got anything back.
I dont care. If they dont want to get ready, then fine. we can look like fools in front of everyone else who has been practicing these past two weeks.

On another note, GRADUATION IS TUESDAY!!
Then Project Graduation (why can't I just go to bed?!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Color Scheme

I changed the color scheme so now its a little bit brighter and happier. Because it is summer now and I am happier.

Today began graduation practices!
Its nice to sit with my alphabetical friends again from the old homeroom.
Graduation is really formal and I am glad that we have practices, because there is no way that I would have been able to do this without practicing. Wow.. is our class stupid. Really stupid. I feel bad for us... in the words of Mr. Bollendorf "Dont embarass yourself or your parents" I think its too late for that, B. These kids are already an embarassment to their parents. We'll see how it goes.
So after graduation practice I took a groggy two hour nap. Then headed off to McDonalds and Rita's. Its so amazing that we are not 2000 pounds. We talked about basically everyone at school and how trashy they are, and I just about home about 20 minutes ago.

I dont know whats up for tonight yet, but at the moment I just feel like sleeping.